Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Blog

This is the new and improved blog! We are coming upon a new year and I am going to try really hard to not neglect the blog this year. The Old blog can be viewed here

On a different note I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season with family and friends. I love this time of year! I am so looking forward to spending time with my family. This has been an amazing year for our family and we are so blessed to have new family members through births, and new family members through marriage. I challenge everyone to examine what really matters this holiday season. Gifts are great but they break and wear out and are soon forgotten. What are our priorities, what are we investing our time and energy in, one thing I realize more & more as I get older is that PEOPLE are the greatest investment. If we really want to see a return on an investment, try investing in someone. Maybe a neighborhood child who lost a parent, maybe someone in a nursing home, maybe a friend who needs encouragement, maybe a teacher, believe me there is always someone in need of a smile, a hug, or a word of encouragement. This holiday season don't just give temporary gifts give a gift that keeps giving, go sledding at midnight with your kids(they won't forget that), volunteer as a family at a soup kitchen, make cookies for someone in a nursing home, be more aware of those around us, the possibilities are endless and they will probably be the most memorably gifts you can give. Merry Christmas!!!! Jaime Nicole

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more!! I hope all is well. I also have been trying to e-mail you but it keeps coming back to me.. did you change your e-mail.. Tracy greatflowerlady~
